Donate to the Greater Beth-el Temple Ministries (GBT) General Church Fund – the work that our ministry leaders plan will assist families within our church, as well as locally, nationally and around the world. There is no prescribed dollar amount that we ask from our members at GBT, but we do teach on the biblical basis of giving regularly and consistently to God’s work.
The tithe (10%) is taught in the Old Testament (i.e., Leviticus 27:30, Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Malachi 3:10) and reaffirmed by Jesus in the New Testament (Matthew 23:23). Paul teaches in the New Testament that Christians are to set aside money based on their income for God’s work (1 Corinthians 16:2) with cheerful hearts (2 Corinthians 9:7).
As New Testament Christians, the tithe is a starting point – the beginning. Any money that we are able to give to God’s work above and beyond the tithe is called an offering and can be given to Kingdom work for other purposes for the local church. You can give an offering above the tithe to the general church fund today that will assist many families, as they are in need. All donations are secure and tax deductible. Please print or save a copy for your records. Annual giving statements are mailed to all contributors.
To Text to Give:
Text “GIVE” to 402-256-GBTM
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